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Malware incidents on remote devices increase



52% of organizations experienced a malware incident on remote devices in 2020, up from 37% in 2019, a Wandera report reveals.

Of devices compromised by malware in 2020, 37% continued accessing corporate emails after being compromised and 11% continued accessing cloud storage, highlighting a need for organizations to better determine how to configure business tools to ensure fast and safe connectivity for all users in 2021.

Other findings

  • In 2020, 28% of organizations were regularly utilizing an operating system with a known security vulnerability.
  • Relative to pre-pandemic times, there has been a notable increase of up to 100% in connections to inappropriate content during office hours.
  • Android devices were 5.3x more likely to have a vulnerable app installed than iOS devices.
  • At their peak during the weekend, phishing attacks were 6% more frequent than during the weekday peak.
  • In 2020, 4% of users connected to a risky hotspot each week, down from 7% in 2019, however
  • 15% of organizations had at least one device using an app that leaked password data, up from 11% in 2019.

“2020 saw businesses struggle to transition to fully remote operations while maintaining productivity and security. Now, more than ever, it’s clear that secure remote access is imperative for organizations across industries,” said Eldar Tuvey, CEO at Wandera.

“As we embrace a new era of work, legacy remote access tools should be abandoned in favor of a modern SASE security strategy based on zero trust network access.”


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