Cyber Security

REvil is on Another Attack Spree



REvil ransomware operators are again on an attack spree. In the last two weeks, the ransomware gang has targeted multiple organizations located in Africa, Europe, Mexico, and the U.S., while its operators have been actively upgrading it with several tactical enhancements.

What happened in the last two weeks?

In the last couple of days, the gang has updated its website to make it easier to browse its victim list. It is also well equipped with adversarial capabilities.

  • The recent attacks are extensive and well-planned and have been active since late-December 2020. 
  • Victim organizations are two law firms, an insurance firm, an architectural firm, a construction company, an agricultural co-op, two international banks, and a manufacturing firm.
  • The attackers are using a drive-by-download campaign, where victims unintentionally download malicious files. Its recent success is due to Gootloader.
  • They post documents on underground forums that look to be from the victims’ systems. These documents include targeted organizations’ stolen information as proof of the breach.

In addition, the ransomware gang has announced that it is going to use DDoS attacks and make voice calls to journalists and victims’ business partners to generate ransom payments.

Recent attacks by the REvil gang

The ransomware gang has been very active for the last few months and has targeted several organizations around the world.

  • Recently, REvilgang attacked IT infrastructure and managed services firm Standley Systems and stole sensitive data containing more than 1,000 social security numbers.
  • The Pan-American Life Insurance Group (PALIG) was targeted by a cyberattack, in which REvil ransomware operators had stolen 170GB of the company’s data.
  • In January, the Asian retail chain operator Dairy Farm Group was hit by the REvil gang, in which attackers demanded a $30 million ransom.


The recent attacks indicate that the REvil gang is continuously expanding its extortion tactics and procedures to directly contact victims’ business associates and the media to exert maximum pressure on the victim to pay. Thus, as a preventive measure, experts suggest always updating systems and backing up important data.


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