Cyber Security

Critical Update: Flashback to the Government’s Cloud Anxiety, Even Before SolarWinds



Re-writing the law for agencies to procure more secure cloud services is now mandated by executive order.

Season 12 of Nextgov’s Critical Update Podcast will take listeners on a trip down memory lane—and provide fresh updates on some of our top, prior episodes.

This episode revisits a debate that is timelier and more consequential than ever: how vendors and consumers of cloud services should share security responsibilities when navigating the increasingly targeted computing environments. 

Since the episode first aired, cybersecurity policy has been rocked by a series of massive hacking campaigns, including one—named after government contracted IT management firm SolarWinds—that compromised several federal agencies, while also using Microsoft’s Active Directory service to move laterally across victim enterprises. 

And President Joe Biden issued an executive order instructing the heads of key departments to recommend changes to Federal Acquisition Regulations so that agencies might start buying more secure software services.

You can listen to the full episode below or download and subscribe to Critical Update in Apple Podcasts or Google Play.


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