
New infosec products of the week: October 28, 2022



Here’s a look at the most interesting products from the past week, featuring releases from ARMO, Array, AuditBoard, Illusive, Kasten by Veeam, Prove, SkyKick, and Socure.

AuditBoard ESG enables users to centralize and manage their ESG programs

AuditBoard ESG centralizes data in a single system of record; simplifying evidence collection and reporting; and enabling teams to perform materiality assessments. The integrated solution also aligns topics and metrics against common reporting frameworks — including the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), and the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) — to identify gaps and surface overlapping requirements.

ARMO adds CIS benchmark to Kubescape to help users scan Kubernetes and CI/CD pipelines

ARMO announced that Kubescape now includes security and compliance scanning of Kuberneters based on the CIS Kubernetes benchmark. Kubescape calculates risk scores based on the CIS Kubernetes framework and tracks them over time to show how organizations are improving their security posture or drift from standards.

Socure releases Sigma Synthetic Fraud Model to identify manipulated and fabricated identities

Sigma Synthetic Fraud combines the knowledge and experience of expert fraud investigators with the computational and statistical capabilities of advanced ML to mitigate rapidly evolving and complex synthetic patterns. Additional enhancements include new sources of credit header and inquiry data, which when combined with existing data sources and internal velocity data, helps with risk signaling and identifying anomalous synthetic patterns.

SkyKick Security Manager enables ITSPs to manage Microsoft 365 security

Security Manager is purpose-built for for information technology services providers (ITSPs) to find, fix and automate security across thousands of potential security issues for Microsoft 365 services. It transforms millions of security signals into actionable insights through a single pane of glass.

Illusive’s ITDR solution discovers and remediates identity vulnerabilities

Illusive’s ITDR solution, Illusive Spotlight and Illusive Shadow, enables the comprehensive discovery of the unmanaged, misconfigured and exposed identity risks that leave every organization vulnerable to attack. It delivers aggregated, prioritized and contextualized insights into identity risks, so that security teams can focus on responding to their greatest risks first.

Kasten K10 v5.5 simplifies Kubernetes data protection for operations teams

Kasten by Veeam has released the new Kasten by Veeam K10 v5.5 Kubernetes data management platform. As a complement to the suite of modern data protection and recovery solutions offered by Veeam to protect all data assets across virtual, cloud-native, SaaS, Kubernetes and physical workloads, these advancements will address the challenges historically found in Kubernetes around operational complexity at scale.

HelloPrivacy by Array helps customers improve their online privacy

HelloPrivacy by Array introduced a suite of embeddable consumer digital privacy products that companies of all sizes and industries can offer customers to help them clean up, protect, and improve their online privacy by finding and removing their personal information from the web.

Prove Auth empowers companies to reduce reliance on passwords and one-time passcodes

Prove Auth enables companies to reduce reliance on passwords and one-time passcodes (OTPs) and empowers consumers to frictionlessly authenticate in all channels including phones, desktops and call centers. It also protects consumers from fraud including account takeovers.


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