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Photos: IRISSCON 2022



IRISSCON, the annual cyber crime-themed conference organized by the Irish Reporting and Information Security Service (IRISS), was held in Dublin, Ireland on Thursday, November 10, 2022.

Here’s a peak on what went down:

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Attendees and speakers networking in the atrium
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Brian Honan, one of the founders of the IRISS CERT and his BH Consulting team
Mikko Hypponen
Mikko Hypponen spoke on connectivity and how it’s going to be a crucial element underpinning our everyday lives 20 years from now
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ESET, one of the conference’s sponsors
Avast CISO
Avast CISO Jaya Baloo talked about organizations preparing for the advent of quantum computers
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The CTF underway during IRISSCON
Aviva Stadium
Mingling in the atrium of the Aviva Stadium
Christian Heggen
Dave Lewis, Global Advisory CISO for Cisco, talked about solving technical and human security debt
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Detective Inspector Gerard Doyle of the Irish national police (An Garda Siochana) talked about the Irish cyber landscape


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