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Cyber Threats Looming over Tokyo Olympics



Whenever a major event happens in the world, cybercriminals try to take advantage of it. The Tokyo Olympics is on the radar of cybercriminals for the same obvious reasons. Researchers and security agencies are already warning of the possible cyberattacks on the event. 

Ongoing attacks

security firm from Japan found an Olympics-themed malware sample with wiper functionality. This malware can wipe files on infected systems and specifically target Ichitaro Japanese word processors.

  • In another case, a government official from Japan disclosed that login IDs and passwords of the Olympic ticket portal got leaked online. However, the leak did not originate from Tokyo 2020’s system.
  • Last month, the Committee of Japanese Olympics disclosed being hit by a ransomware attack. However, the committee did not pay the ransom and removed all infected computers.

FBI alerts 

The FBI has issued an alert about possible malicious activities that can disturb several events related to media broadcasting environments, hospitality, ticketing, transit, or security.

  • Moreover, the agency warned about possible cyberattacks involving possible attempts to hijacking video feeds, ransomware, or DDoS attacks.
  • This year’s broadcast-only Games involving ISPs and television networks are believed to be at the crosshairs of attackers, potentially leading to disturbing global audiences.


The ongoing Tokyo Olympics will be a hotbed of cyberattacks and more attacks can be anticipated as the event progresses. It appears to be challenging for Tokyo to stay protected from these expected attacks. Defenses need to be amped up to the tee.


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