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MIT Technology Review hosts inaugural CyberSecure conference Dec 2-3, 2020



MIT Technology Review’s December 2-3 virtual conference — called CyberSecure — will offer practical guidance on how your organization can respond to a cyber-breach, and how you can prevent such intrusions from happening in the first place.

In two consecutive half-days featuring experts at the forefront of risk management and data security, CyberSecure aims to bridge the gap between the in-person experience and digital events by allowing attendees to engage with speakers through lively panel discussions and interactive chats, polls, and Q&A sessions.

The CyberSecure event is aimed at industry decision makers, academic researchers, civic and government affiliates, and individuals alike. The impacts of cybersecurity breaches are no longer constrained to the IT department; anyone who uses technology should understand the threats, know how to protect their data, and understand the basics of privacy and security.

Topics include nation-state cyber warfare, how to ensure cyber resiliency, holistic risk management, and moving toward a zero-trust future, featuring:

  • Alissa Abdullah (Dr. Jay), Deputy Chief Security Officer | Mastercard—Best Practices to Mitigate Cyber Risk from the Front Lines
  • Ben Buchanan, Director, CyberAI Project | Georgetown—Panel Discussion: How and Why Nations Hack One Another
  • M.K. Palmore, Field Chief Security Officer | Palo Alto Networks—Panel Discussion: Setting the Stage: A Best Practice Guide for Leaders Navigating the Threat Landscape
  • Jamil Farshchi, Chief Information Security Officer | Equifax—Leaders Needed: Preventing the Next Big Breach

Visit for the full speaker lineup, the two-day agenda, and registration. Register and log in to design an agenda that works best for you. CyberSecure begins on Wednesday, December 2, at 12:00 pm EDT.


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