A business email compromise (BEC) group named ‘Crimson Kingsnake’ has emerged, impersonating well-known international law firms to trick recipients into approving overdue invoice payments. The threat...
The threat actor behind the RomCom RAT (remote access trojan) has refreshed its attack vector and is now abusing well-known software brands for distribution. In a new...
A high-risk bug in the Gatsby Cloud Image CDN service allowed attackers to stage server-side request forgery (SSRF) and cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks against some cloud-hosted Gatsby websites. Gatsby is...
Threat actors are using newly discovered spyware known as SandStrike and delivered via a malicious VPN application to target Android users. They focus on Persian-speaking practitioners...
A set of four malicious applications currently available in Google Play, the official store for the Android system, are directing users sites that steal sensitive information...
A Government Accountability Office report found that the Department of Veterans Affairs lacks sufficient data on its VET TEC pilot to “assess the effectiveness of the...
The agency has promised to measure the success of efforts to steer major software providers toward the inclusion of logging and other basic security features in...
The analyzed ransomware variants—from July to December 2021—amounted to millions of dollars in damages. A new analysis from the Department of Justice’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network reveals that...
Netwrix announced additional findings for the healthcare sector from its global 2022 Cloud Security Report, revealing that 61% of respondents in the healthcare industry suffered a...
In this interview for Help Net Security, James Turgal, VP of Cyber Risk, Strategy and Board Relations at Optiv, talks about election cybersecurity and how to keep elections and...