In this interview for Help Net Security, Reza Zaheri, CSO at Quantum Metric, talks about digital banking security and what can banks, as well as consumers, do to...
Doubts have arisen about the veracity of research that purportedly demonstrates a serious vulnerability involving VirusTotal, a Google-owned antivirus comparison and threat intel service. VirusTotal (VT) offers a service...
Web developers who rely on a workaround that relaxed the same origin policy to allow subdomains to exchange content will soon need to take a different...
The software Industry wants agencies to show their ‘use’ of the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, which it says should be mapped to the revised supply chain guidance....
Google is rolling out a new Data Safety section on the Play Store, Android’s official app repository, where developers must declare what data their software collects...
Intentional and unintentional data breaches in emails are not unusual, and since they are the backbone of communication, organizations need to keep their data protected. Echoworx’s...
Traditional methods of software security are not a good fit for Kubernetes: a renewed set of security implementations are required to make it less vulnerable. What’s different...
SecZetta shared a research that demonstrates a clear misalignment between the strategies organizations currently use and what is actually required to protect them from cyberattacks due...
But, in general, the industry wants NIST to avoid making any changes at all to the choose-your-own-adventure document that has guided risk management and U.S. cybersecurity...
Another CISA advisor has referred to Bob Lord as a “digital Marie Kondo,” tidying up the Democratic National Committee by throwing out old software and unused...