Intigriti has today announced a new program that will combine bug bounty hunting with penetration testing models to offer hackers payment by the hour for their...
In the wake of the digital transformation wave, web application program interfaces (APIs) have experienced exponential growth as the rise of integrated web and mobile-based offerings requires significantly...
There has been a lot of talk about the sharp increase in workplace burnout. The WHO defines burnout as a syndrome resulting from chronic workplace stress that has...
In this interview for Help Net Security, Ricardo Villadiego, CEO at Lumu, explains why he thinks the cybersecurity talent shortage is a myth and how organizations can overcome this...
Cybellum released a survey report about medical device cybersecurity, along with trends and predictions for 2022. Medical device cybersecurity has become an extremely complex challenge. With medical...
Zscaler released the findings of a report that reviews 12 months of global phishing data from its security cloud to identify key trends, industries and geographies at...
The GHT Coeur Grand Est. Hospitals and Health Care group has disconnected all incoming and outgoing Internet connections after discovering they suffered a cyberattack that resulted...
Threat analysts have spotted yet another addition to the growing space of info-stealer malware infections, named Prynt Stealer, which offers powerful capabilities and extra keylogger and...
A studious adversary may be hellbent on destruction, and a comprehensive approach is needed to successfully govern the protection of critical infrastructure, specialists say. The discovery...
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today revealed that bug bounty hunters enrolled in its ‘Hack DHS’ bug bounty program have found 122 security vulnerabilities in...