CEO and co-founder of social media platform Gab said the site had suffered a data breach. WIRED reported that the far-right platform had more than 70 gigabytes of...
Organizations involved in the development and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine should take proactive measures to enhance their overall physical security posture. To achieve secure and resilient vaccine...
Comerica Incorporated announced that Juan Rodriguez has been named Executive Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer. Reporting to Executive Vice President and Chief Technology & Operations Services Officer Megan...
Operating under the default position that an organization has been compromised is a pain that’s worth it, the agency said. The National Security Agency is working...
CBP One will become the primary public-facing portal for a number of customs programs and services. But any new data collection effort brings privacy risks. The...
Like many other sectors, the space industry needs to secure its supply chain from start to finish. Since President John F. Kennedy announced plans for a...
An AOL mail phishing campaign is underway to steal users’ login name and password by warning recipients that their account is about to be closed. While...
Certain Google-owned domains have caused Chrome users, from even the most skilled researchers to regular users, to question whether they are malicious. The domains I am...
Cyber criminals are very persistent and the daily numbers of cyber attacks show no sign of decreasing. The latest reported attack on an Australian university has disrupted...
Armorblox, a cybersecurity startup using natural language understanding to protect enterprise communications, today announced that it raised $30 million in series B venture capital funding. The company plans...