In the face of rising cybersecurity threats, the Biden administration issued an executive order in May 2021 calling for improvements in the supply chain. Among the...
In the process of file sharing, what is essential for every organization is to make sure malware doesn’t tag along, and this is where a content disarm...
The recently identified vulnerability in the Log4j Java logging package has created headaches for security professionals around the world. 61% of organizations responding to the latest Neustar International...
Dragos released its report on cyber threats facing industrial organizations, naming the emergence of three new threat groups targeting ICS/OT environments, including two that have gained...
Standards exist for network operators to implement, but there is no rule forcing them to do so. The Federal Communications Commission cited Russia’s aggression against Ukraine...
The Navy modernized and extended the reach of its information technology beyond traditional security boundaries over the last few years. Ways adversaries have been recently observed...
Sen. Mark Warner advises the U.S. and NATO allies to be on high alert amid global sanctions against Russia. Russia is expected to increase its cyber...
The White House also announced sanctions that will limit Russia’s access to cutting edge technologies. President Joe Biden warned Thursday that the federal government would respond...
Iranian government-linked hackers may be using global circumstances to their advantage. With the world’s eyes on Russia’s multipronged attack on Ukraine—including hackers attacking and disabling Ukrainian government and...
Wednesday’s denial-of-service attacks on government, financial sites resemble earlier ones attributed to Russia. Various financial and government websites in Ukraine were temporarily disabled on Wednesday by...