A recent Operation Lyrebird has successfully identified a threat actor believed to be responsible for multiple cybercrimes. The same threat actor was allegedly responsible for attacks...
The underground dark web economy got its name for a reason — it is a fully-fledged business operation of cybercriminals selling and trading illicit data and...
Jason Kent, hacker-in-residence at Cequence Security, discusses fake online accounts, and the fraud they carry out on a daily basis. Recently, one of my friends from...
The pandemic contributed to more than 120 publicly announced cybersecurity acquisitions in 2020 as the need for cybersecurity tools grew. The COVID-19 pandemic slowed the worldwide...
A vulnerability in popular preprocessor language Less.js could be exploited to achieve remote code execution (RCE) against websites that allow users to input Less.js code, researchers have warned....
ENISA publishes Cybersecurity guide for SMEs, a document that aims at providing suggestions to secure their business During the COVID-19 pandemic, most of organizations increased their...
Firmware vulnerabilities in a commercial-grade Netgear router opened the door to a range of exploits, including identity theft and full system compromise. The recently resolved flaws in Netgear...
You probably hear a lot about technical concepts such as digital modernization and transformation. Modernization and transformation quite simply are ways to upgrade all or parts...
The world has experienced a data explosion in recent years. In 2020 alone, 64.2 zettabytes of data were created or replicated, according to IDC. This is roughly...
The ethical hacking community saw a big boost this month, with the news that the US Supreme Court has tightened up the definition of unauthorized access. Previously,...