A recently discovered Android subscription malware called ‘Fleckpe’ has surfaced on Google Play Store. This insidious malware disguises itself as an authentic application and has already...
“Since the beginning of 2023 until the end of April, out of 13,296 new domains created related to ChatGPT or OpenAI, 1 out of every 25...
75% of organizations typically change or update their APIs on a daily or weekly basis, creating a significant challenge for protecting the changing API attack surface, according...
BSidesLjubljana 0x7E7, a non-profit conference organized by the information security community, will take place on June 16, 2023, at the C111 Computer Museum. The deadline for...
The success of ChatGPT, a text-generation chatbot, has sparked widespread interest in generative AI among millions of people worldwide. According to Jumio’s research, 67% of consumers globally are...
Amazon Inspector is designed to manage vulnerabilities by continuously scanning your AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure across your entire organization. Upon activation,...
The City of Dallas, Texas, has suffered a ransomware attack that resulted in disruption of several of its services. What do we know so far? “Wednesday...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought forth a new era of innovation, with its transformative impact being felt across various industries at an unprecedented pace. However, the...
An international law enforcement operation codenamed ‘SpecTor’ has arrested 288 dark web vendors and customers worldwide, with police seizing €50.8 million ($55.9M) in cash and cryptocurrency....
Hackers are actively exploiting an unpatched 2018 authentication bypass vulnerability in exposed TBK DVR (digital video recording) devices. DVRs are an integral part of security surveillance...