Bridewell’s Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) team has discovered previously undetected Ursnif infrastructure used in 2023 campaigns, suggesting that the malware operators have not yet utilized this...
The rapid expansion of the internet has provided an ideal environment for malware to thrive. As more people and organizations connect to the internet, more opportunities...
The cybersecurity researchers at Cisco Talos recently affirmed that threat actors are targeting the widely-used Microsoft 365 cloud-based productivity platform through the Greatness phishing platform, and...
The North Korean Kimsuky hacking group has been observed employing a new version of its reconnaissance malware, now called ‘ReconShark,’ in a cyberespionage campaign with a...
VirusTotal has introduced a Crowdsourced YARA Hub to overcome this hurdle, letting users find and filter existing rules, track a new rule, and export rules to LiveHunt or...
NodeStealer, a newly discovered malware on Meta, was identified by Facebook as stealing browser cookies. Due to this vulnerability, threat actors can obtain illicit entry into...
“Since the beginning of 2023 until the end of April, out of 13,296 new domains created related to ChatGPT or OpenAI, 1 out of every 25...
Facebook discovered a new information-stealing malware distributed on Meta called ‘NodeStealer,’ allowing threat actors to steal browser cookies to hijack accounts on the platform, as well...
New Android spyware, BouldSpy detected recently by Lookout Threat Lab, linked with moderate certainty to Iran’s Law Enforcement Command of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Named...
The cybersecurity security researchers at Sophos recently detected the “Dragon Breath” APT group (aka Golden Eye Dog, APT-Q-27) using complex DLL sideloading variations to avoid detection....
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