The threat actors behind IcedID malware phishing campaigns are utilizing a wide variety of distribution methods, likely to determine what works best against different targets. Researchers...
Malicious adult websites push fake ransomware which, in reality, acts as a wiper that quietly tries to delete almost all of the data on your device....
The ‘LofyGang’ threat actors have created a credential-stealing enterprise by distributing 200 malicious packages and fake hacking tools on code hosting platforms, such as NPM and...
A quickly expanding botnet called Chaos is targeting and infecting Windows and Linux devices to use them for cryptomining and launching DDoS attacks. This Go-based malware...
Chaos, new multipurpose malware written in the Go programming language, is spreading across the world. “We are seeing a complex malware that has quadrupled in size in...
A new malware dropper named ‘NullMixer’ is infecting Windows devices with a dozen different malware families simultaneously through fake software cracks promoted on malicious sites in...
The North Korean Lazarus hacking group is now using fake ‘’ job offers to hack developers and artists in the crypto space, likely with a long-term...
A new malware dropper named ‘NullMixer’ is infecting Windows devices with a dozen different malware families simultaneously through fake software cracks promoted on malicious sites in...
The North Korean Lazarus hacking group is now using fake ‘’ job offers to hack developers and artists in the crypto space, likely with a long-term...
The new ‘Erbium’ information-stealing malware is being distributed as fake cracks and cheats for popular video games to steal victims’ credentials and cryptocurrency wallets. Erbium is...
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