A new WhatsApp phishing campaign impersonating WhatsApp’s voice message feature has been discovered, attempting to spread information-stealing malware to at least 27,655 email addresses. This phishing...
Threat analysts have compiled a detailed technical report on FIN7 operations from late 2021 to early 2022, showing that the adversary continues to be very active,...
A previously unknown Android malware has been linked to the Turla hacking group after discovering the app used infrastructure previously attributed to the threat actors. Turla...
A Mirai-based distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) botnet tracked as Beastmode (aka B3astmode) has updated its list of exploits to include several new ones, three of them targeting various models...
A newly discovered data wiper malware that wipes routers and modems has been deployed in the cyberattack that targeted the KA-SAT satellite broadband service to wipe...
OpenText announced a report which provides in-depth analysis, market insights, trend data, and predictions for what lies ahead as organizations move toward strengthening their cyber resiliency posture in...
Cybercriminals trying to foist the Mars Stealer malware onto users seemingly have a penchant for one particulat tactic: disguising it as legitimate, benign software to trick...
Security researchers are warning of a relatively new malware loader, that they track as Verblecon, which is sufficiently complex and powerful for rannsomware and erespionage attacks,...
A research from Thales has found that malware, ransomware and phishing continues to plague global organizations. In fact, 21% have experienced a ransomware attack in the last year;...
The Muhstik malware gang is now actively targeting and exploiting a Lua sandbox escape vulnerability in Redis after a proof-of-concept exploit was publicly released. The vulnerability...
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