After seven years of malicious activity, law enforcement have managed to seize the infrastructure of the notorious malware variant “Emotet,” and have scheduled a mass uninstallation...
WhatsApp malware dubbed WhatsApp Pink has now been updated with advanced capabilities that let this counterfeit Android app automatically respond to your Signal, Telegram, Viber, and...
Mandiant is currently tracking 12 malware families associated with the exploitation of Pulse Secure VPN devices. These families are related to the circumvention of authentication and backdoor access...
Attackers are promoting sites impersonating the Microsoft Store, Spotify, and an online document converter that distribute malware to steal credit cards and passwords saved in web browsers....
A Mac malware campaign targeting Xcode developers has been retooled to add support for Apple’s new M1 chips and expand its features to steal confidential information...
In a novel approach to ransom demands, a new ransomware calling itself ‘NitroRansomware’ encrypts victim’s files and then demands a Discord Nitro gift code to decrypt...
Cybercriminals continue to exploit unpatched Microsoft Exchange servers. Cybersecurity researchers at Sophos report an unknown attacked has been attempting to leverage the ProxyLogon exploit to unload malicious Monero...
A previously undocumented malware downloader has been spotted in the wild in phishing attacks to deploy credential stealers and other malicious payloads. Dubbed “Saint Bot,” the...
Cybercriminals are encouraging users to send the “offers” via WhatsApp to their friends as well. Malicious Android apps disguised as TikTok and offers for free Lenovo...
Upon clicking the ad, the user is taken to a fake Clubhouse app website that looks quite authentic but its download link drops malware. Last year,...
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