
How to cultivate a culture of continuous cybersecurity improvement



Regulatory compliance and cybersecurity improvement are not two sides of the same coin: they are distinct pillars that demand specialized attention. Achieving compliance does not create an impenetrable fortress against threats, it merely creates a baseline defense.

So, how can organizations transition from a reactive, “tick-box” mindset to a proactive culture of continuous cyber improvement? This question is central to increasing cyber resilience. For those navigating the patchwork of regulatory environments, a deeper understanding of real-time and sustained security practices is paramount.

Compliance does not equal security

One of the biggest cybersecurity misconceptions is that compliance equates to comprehensive security.

But you should think of security compliance as a safety drill: it confirms that you have an evacuation plan, but it doesn’t prevent the fire. Regulations such as the FTC “Safeguards Rule” and PCI standards aim to enhance information security, and they do. But they are the floor, not the ceiling for which cybersecurity teams should aim.

Moreover, the growing complexity of the cybersecurity regulatory landscape makes relying on a compliance-based approach increasingly precarious. Organizations may exhaust resources to achieve annual or quarterly audits. Once the audit is cleared, complacency frequently sets in, leaving new vulnerabilities unattended until the next audit cycle begins. This method introduces security gaps that cyber adversaries are quick to exploit.

It’s up to CISOs to change this deeply ingrained and flawed process. Moving beyond the “tick-box” mindset requires fostering a culture that prioritizes continuous improvement of cybersecurity defenses and practices, instead of merely passing periodic audits. This shift will form the cornerstone of a robust and adaptive security posture.

So the key question is: How can organizations start building an effective culture of continuous cyber improvement? It all starts with emphasizing real-time security practices.

Real-time vs periodic security practices

The interplay between real-time and periodic security practices is central to effective vulnerability management. Since each has its own unique value proposition, a robust cyber defense strategy must blend both types of practices into a unified approach.

Real-time security practices are indispensable in a world where threats emerge and evolve in a blink of an eye. For instance, endpoint detection and vulnerability detection must be ongoing processes. They offer a pulse on the network, alerting organizations to threats as they surface. A lapse in real-time activities can spell disaster: recent ransomware attacks have demonstrated that vulnerabilities can be exploited in mere hours, and sometimes less. An effective real-time security system provides the crucial window needed to detect and rectify vulnerabilities before they’re exploited.

On the other hand, periodic security practices, such as penetration testing, provide an opportunity to stress-test the system and uncover potential weaknesses. Still, their value should not be overstated. Pen tests are not everyday tool: they’re more akin to performance reviews. They prove there’s an issue, but it’s the constant security monitoring that alerts you to the issue in the first place.

Some CISOs lean heavily on penetration testing, mistaking it as a panacea for their cybersecurity woes. While pen tests are valuable, they aren’t designed to provide real-time data on the threats that an organization faces daily.

Striking a balance is key. CISOs must manage a blend of real-time activities, like monitoring network traffic, threat hunting, and vulnerability detection, with periodic activities, such as pen testing, risk assessments, and audits. This approach ensures comprehensive coverage, leveraging the strengths of each practice to create an interlocking, resilient defense against cyber threats. The goal is to create a security system that doesn’t just survive audits but excels in the face of real-world threats.

The urgency of real-time vulnerability management

To build a culture of cyber improvement, businesses must foster an effective vulnerability management strategy that relies on incessantly evaluating exposure to potential threats and taking proactive steps to mitigate them. This process requires a sophisticated blend of data collection, threat intelligence, risk assessment, and rapid response.

A robust real-time vulnerability management strategy is grounded in consistent monitoring. This involves leveraging security information and event management (SIEM) systems and endpoint detection and response (EDR) platforms to collect and analyze security data across the network. These tools are designed to identify unusual patterns or behaviors that could indicate a potential security incident. They provide the foundation for a reactive approach to cyber threats, enabling organizations to respond quickly when a threat is detected.

Complementing these systems is the use of threat intelligence feeds, which provide data about the latest known threats and exploits. Integrating threat intelligence with SIEM and EDR tools enhances their effectiveness, allowing for faster and more accurate detection of threats.

Once threats are detected, organizations need to conduct risk assessments to priorities their response. Not all vulnerabilities carry the same level of risk, and resources should be allocated based on potential impact. Tools such as the Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) provide a standardized method for assessing the severity of a vulnerability. This allows organizations to focus their efforts on addressing high-risk vulnerabilities first, reducing their overall cyber risk exposure.

Beyond CVSS, organizations must ensure they have processes in place for rapid response and remediation of detected vulnerabilities. This may involve patch management systems to quickly deploy updates or incident response teams to manage more complex threats.

Achieving a culture of continuous cyber improvement demands an investment in these advanced technical capabilities. It requires moving beyond traditional, compliance-focused mindsets and fostering a proactive approach that puts real-time threat detection and response at the center of an organization’s cyber strategy.


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