A new sophisticated cyber espionage group named Earth Estries, which overlaps notorious threat group FamousSparrow, was unveiled. The group has been active since 2020 and targets...
Recently, threat actors have been utilizing brute force attacks to compromise exposed MSSQL databases to distribute the FreeWorld ransomware. This attack campaign, dubbed DB#JAMMER, is notable, according...
Recent reports suggest threat actors have used phishing emails to distribute fileless malware. The attachment consists of a .hta (HTML Application) file, which can be used...
Adobe ColdFusion is a Java-based, commercial web app development platform using CFML for server-side programming. ColdFusion is primarily known for its tag-based approach, which is unique....
Freecycle, a popular online platform for giving away and receiving free items, reported a significant data breach. The Freecycle Network (TFN) is a nonprofit organization registered in...
A honeypot is a trap on a network that lures and studies cyber-attack techniques of threat actors, alerting defenders to unauthorized access attempts. Though Honeypots help and assist...
Zero Trust Data Access (ZTDA) constitutes a fundamental aspect of the wider Zero Trust security framework, which entails limiting data access. The Zero Trust security approach follows the...
AttackCrypt, an open-source “crypter,” was recently used by cybercriminals to hide malware binaries and avoid antivirus detection. A crypter is a kind of software that can encrypt, obfuscate,...
Nidhi Gani is a seasoned regulatory affairs professional with over a decade of experience in cybersecurity, medical devices, and digital health. She’s worked with devices ranging from...
Supermarket chain Lidl has been recalling four types of PAW Patrol-themed snacks across the UK. Except, the reason for the recall has got nothing to do...