A new sophisticated cyber espionage group named Earth Estries, which overlaps notorious threat group FamousSparrow, was unveiled. The group has been active since 2020 and targets...
Recently, threat actors have been utilizing brute force attacks to compromise exposed MSSQL databases to distribute the FreeWorld ransomware. This attack campaign, dubbed DB#JAMMER, is notable, according...
Freecycle, a popular online platform for giving away and receiving free items, reported a significant data breach. The Freecycle Network (TFN) is a nonprofit organization registered in...
Quite some money can be made from selling compromised business and ad accounts on social media platforms, and the Ducktail threat actor has specialized in just...
Recently, cybersecurity researchers at Deep Instinct have asserted that hackers can exploit the Windows container isolation framework to bypass the security defenses and mechanisms of organizations....
ReversingLabs spotted “VMConnect” in early August, a malicious supply chain campaign with two dozen rogue Python packages on PyPI. It’s been observed that these packages mimicked the following...
American entertainment giant Paramount Global disclosed a data breach after its systems got hacked and attackers gained access to personally identifiable information (PII). Paramount said in...
Hackers working for the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, more commonly known as the GRU, have been...
Threat actors targeting unpatched Citrix NetScaler systems exposed to the internet are being tracked by Sophos X-Ops. As per research, the recent attacks share a similarity...
The Five Families unites the underground internet world, adopting the name of the 1950s-60s New York mafia’s Italian-American clans. This new group of “Five Families” involves...